Website Redesign | Market Research | Interaction Design


Intermountain Healing Hearts (IHH) is a volunteer-driven support group based in Utah and serving families across the Intermountain West who are affected by congenital heart defects (CHD) and childhood-onset heart disease. Their mission is to provide emotional support, resources, and a sense of community to families navigating the challenges of these conditions.


Project Lead, UX/UI Researcher and Designer

Stakeholder Feedback/Goals

  1. Goal is to “connect with other families living with CHD and notify them of events in the community” in order to offer support and spread awareness of CHD

  2. Noted the previous website was “too busy,” “not user-friendly,” “not well-integrated,” and had an “outdated design.”

User Research

We conducted user research through a Google Forms survey to gather insights from current IHH members. Questions focused on prioritizing desired information for the engagement page, preferred types of user-generated content, additional resource needs, and favorite experiences within IHH, ensuring the redesign aligned closely with user expectations and community values.

Heuristic Evaluation

The heuristic evaluation of the IHH website identified several areas for

  • outdated design elements

  • unclear purpose and goals

  • excessive text that makes it hard to scan content

  • navigation issues

  • performance problems such as slow loading times, error screens, and broken links

User Persona & Insights

  • Users are in search of a supportive community network to navigate the challenging journey of a recent diagnosis of a CHD

  • Users consider community events, remote support groups, volunteer opportunities, and public board meetings to be the most important engagement avenues

  • Distance is seen as a challenge for members in southeast Idaho and northern Utah, who seek out more local events

  • Enhancing local engagement, expanding support resources and maintaining a sense of community are important to further strengthen IHH's support system

Problem & Hypothesis

Problem Statement

IHH site users seek a sense of community, but some lack engagement due to geographical constraints.

UX Hypothesis

Users will be able to feel more connected to the IHH community by being involved in a variety of local events and volunteer opportunities.

Information Architecture

Paper Prototype

Low Fidelity Prototype

Usability Testing

Conducted 10 remote, moderated user tests on the desktop & mobile prototypes

1 task:

  • Sign up for the next upcoming event

  • 3 open-ended questions:

    • What did you like best about the design?

    • What did you like least about the design?

    • What would you change, if anything?

UI Style Guide

High Fidelity Prototype

A/B Testing

Mobile Prototype A

Mobile Prototype B

Desktop Prototype A

Desktop Prototype B

A/B Testing Results

Clickable Prototype

Clickable Prototype


The mobile A and B tests were able to guide users through the registration screen. Version B, with the clickable “Upcoming Events” title and pop-up form, was preferred for its simple look, though some users found the "Walk for Healing Hearts" card placement confusing. Version A was also navigable but lacked some desired features. Both designs showed potential with minor adjustments needed.


The desktop A and B tests were able to guide users through the registration screen. Version A, with the "All Events" button and embedded form, was favored for its visual appeal and ease of navigation. Version B, with the "Upcoming Events" title, also received positive feedback but had visibility issues. In conclusion, both versions demonstrated usability with minor improvements required.

Future Development

  • Implement feedback from A/B testing

  • Implement feedback from Instructors:

    • Increase font size on cards for easier reading

    • Remove shadow on cards since it's not hover state

  • Build/improve features to better address problem statement, allowing users in remote areas to engage with community

    • Zoom attendance for events

    • Revamp virtual support groups & add other remote communication systems

Final Product

After completing our UX work, we handed the project off to the next team, who refined and adjusted the design before moving into development and launching the site. The final product reflects our research, design decisions, and user insights, ensuring a seamless experience. Check out the final product here!


Houses By Catherine